Saturday, June 27, 2020

9 recommended foods for skin

9 recommended foods for skin

It's also good to apply several products that are good for your skin, but managing the inside of your skin with food you eat will help keep your skin healthy.
In recent years, the importance of maintaining and maintaining the skin during the period has been increasingly emphasized. It is not enough to manage the skin exposed to the sun's rays and various environmental toxins only with sunscreen or packs. To keep your skin healthy and young, you need to pay attention to what you eat.

Do you remember the phrase'the food I eat makes me'? This article introduces a list of foods that will make your skin healthier and shiny.

1. Bottled water

Water is an essential food for health and beauty. Skin elasticity and toxin discharge, as well as wrinkles and facial wrinkles are less, and it has the effect of slowing cellulite exposure.

2. Carrot

Vitamin A-rich carrots are, among other things, vegetables that minimize skin sagging and prevent wrinkles. It also contains a large amount of beta-carotene concentrate and antioxidants to protect the skin from UV rays and prevent skin aging and damage.

In particular, eating carrots can help improve overall health as well as skin health.

  • Strengthening teeth
  • Relieve constipation
  • Promote appetite
  • Diuretic effect
  • Provision of potassium and phosphorus
  • Improving nail and hair health
  • Keep eyesight

3. Nuts

Nuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, which is essential for growth and repair of damaged cells.

Nuts have antioxidant properties that rejuvenate and protect the skin
In addition, the high vitamin E content maintains skin elasticity and prevents aging symptoms.
Eating nuts every day can improve your skin condition and provide enough energy for your body, so add an appropriate amount to your diet.

4. Cucumber

Cucumbers are a great source of moisture and are rich in vitamins and minerals, making them useful for skin health.

Rich in vitamins A, C and E and antioxidants produces collagen and elastin and prevents excessive sebum production due to astringent components
Cucumber can be used in various ways, such as grinding and drinking or sticking it on the skin.

5. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits have excellent antioxidant and astringent functions, and thus have great effects on skin regeneration. It is also a fruit used as a main ingredient in cosmetics due to its high vitamin C content.

Eating citrus fruits can reduce facial wrinkles and fine lines, improve skin texture and complexion, and minimize sensitive skin problems.

In summary, it is effective in alleviating aging symptoms.

To enjoy the benefits of citrus fruits, keep them in a cool place and eat them with a peel just before eating.

6. Oat drinks

Oats, known for their moisturizing properties, are commonly used as a drink for skin care. Oats moisturize the skin, remove dead skin cells and prevent blackheads and rashes.

7. Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids

Eating foods containing omega 3 fatty acids blocks UV rays and improves skin regeneration and vitality. It acts as a skin softener and moisturizer to prevent the skin from drying out.

Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids are as follows

  • Chia and flaxseed
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Fatty fish (tuna, salmon, sardines)
  • Pulse

8. Dark Chocolate

Cosmetics using sweet dark chocolate as a raw material are common. Dark chocolate is used as a cosmetic ingredient because it is rich in flavonoids, fatty acids and antioxidants.

Chocolate with a cacao content of 70% or more has a moisturizing and softening effect, inhibits free radical activity, prevents wrinkles, and promotes blood circulation.

In addition, when dark chocolate is applied to the skin, the texture of the blood is softened and the aging phenomenon is alleviated.

9. Green Tea

While green tea cannot be left out for skin care.

Green tea contains a large amount of flavonoids and antioxidants to prevent aging, prevent skin irritation and irritation, and inhibit free radical activity.

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