Friday, June 26, 2020

Make your hips elastic: 7 exercises you can do at home

Make your hips elastic: 7 exercises you can do at home

If you want to have the perfect ass, there are many good exercises you can do in the gym or outdoors. In this article, I'm going to look at some of the most effective exercises to strengthen your buttocks that can give good results in a few weeks.

Saggy butt is a cosmetic problem that requires a lot of effort and consistency to get better. With regular exercise, you can shape your body the way you want.

What you should know before you start exercising your hips is that your back should always be straight. This will not cause problems later.

It's important to remember that the area where you should exercise is the thigh, not the waist. If you hurt your back or hips or have pain, it means you are not doing well. Correct your posture and start again.

If you want elastic buttocks, don't neglect your back (waist). Otherwise, there is a risk of injury. These exercises can be done anywhere in the gym or living room.

The important thing is that you strictly follow the routine. Plan your workouts at least three times a week and eat a healthy diet. If you eat any food, no matter how hard you try, it is useless. And whether or not you do an exercise routine, don't forget to drink at least 2 liters (64 ounces) of water a day.

The Best Exercise to Strengthen your Buttocks


Undoubtedly the best exercise for the hips, thighs and legs is squats. Squats can be done in a number of ways, using barbells, dumbbells, or body weight to create resistance.

While standing, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. When using a dumbbell, the dumbbell should be on the side of the body. Hold a dumbbell one at a time. Or, raise your arms to the height of your shoulders, straight from side to side.

If you use a barbell, put it behind your head and hold it with your shoulders. Bend your knees to lower your body. Try to keep your thighs parallel to the ground. Draw an imaginary line from knee to toe, and try not to let your knees fall over your toes. Pause for a few seconds before returning to the starting position. Movements should be slow and prudent.

Half squat or lunge

This exercise is the simplest modification of the squat. The positions are the same, and you can adjust the resistance using your body or using a barbell and dumbbell.

Spread your feet over your shoulders. Instead of lowering your body toward the floor, take one step farthest away that you can't lose your balance forward.

Keep your shoulders above your hips. The legs on the back bend the knees until they reach the floor. The knee in front should not cross the toe line.

Return to the original position and repeat the same action with the other leg.

Remember to keep exercising with one leg and then exercising the same number with the other leg.

Hip extension

Lay face down on an exercise bench or bed, then put your hips on the corners and your legs hang on the floor.

Then, lift both legs at the same time using the thigh and hip muscles. Keep your legs at hip level. Maintain this position and cross your legs up and down in the air as if swimming in the next water.

If one leg is close to your chest and the other is at the height of your hips, move and meet in the middle.

Climbing stairs

Sturdy, standing on one leg, stands in front of a bench or chair at a height that allows your knees to fit 90 degrees. Raise your right foot on the bench and lift your body using the power of your thighs and hips. Stretch as far as you can.

The goal is to stretch your legs as far as possible. The left leg should not touch the bench or chair, but may stand on the heel. It pauses for a few seconds and then descends slowly.

Lift your legs back

 Put your knees, elbows and forearms on the floor. The knee is in the hip position. Elbows are placed on the shoulders and straight lines.
You strengthen your stomach and keep your back straight.
Next, lift your left leg so that your knees reach the hip level and give strength. Stimulate the hips for 3 seconds and return the legs to their original position. Repeat 15 times before changing legs.


Start this exercise with the above position. Place your elbows, knees, and forearms on the floor. Strengthen your belly, lift your right leg to the hip level, and strengthen your knees. The kick kicks up as if the sole of the foot touches the ceiling.

Or you can make your legs level with your back. Both sides should remain in position for a few seconds. After eight times, I change my legs.

If you want to exercise stronger, you can add weight by kicking a sandbag over your ankle.

Lifting the pelvis

Lying on your back on the mat, your feet will be on the floor and your knees will be bent. Arms are placed on the sides of the body.

Next, lift your pelvis towards the ceiling, giving your hips and thighs strength. The back should be kept diagonal to the floor. Maintain your posture for a few seconds and return to your initial posture, making sure not to touch your buttocks or mats. Repeat 10 times, rest and do it again.

The way to change this movement is to place the disc weight on the ship.

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